Ethically Kate

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Sustainable Christmas Gift Ideas For New Zealanders

Christmas gifting can be stressful, expensive, and wasteful. Ever since I’ve approached gifting with a sustainable mindset, Christmas gifting has been joyful, cheaper, and with little to no waste in sight! I actually enjoy it!

This blog post explains how I handle Christmas gifting in my family and includes 25+ ideas for your sustainable Christmas gifting this year.

My Christmas Gifts

For the past two years, both my family and Tim’s (my husband) family have used DrawNames; a (free!) secret Santa generator. One person loads up everyone’s names, fills in any exceptions (e.g. settings that mean partners don’t buy for each other), and sets the budget. Each person is emailed, draws a name, and fills in their own wishlist. My wishlist this year includes GoodFor e-gift cards (a package-free store), kitchen scales for measuring small quantities, vegetable seeds, and a book by Sally Rooney.  My sister-in-law was the first to suggest this secret Santa concept, and it has been a total hit! Each person receives a high-value gift they truly wanted, rather than the classic flurry of gifts that are thrown around at most Christmas events, likely ending up in the junk cupboard.

Two years ago, my family opted for gifts of service only. We gifted each other experiences and services that we were able to offer. No wrapping was involved, only handmade cards were passed around. For example, Tim and I gave my mum and dad a voucher for a vacuum and bathroom clean (by us, not professionals). My sister gave us a voucher for her to make Tim and me a lovely meal, set up a romantic spot, and leave.

One year I gave my sister’s partner carbon offsets for his upcoming travel.

My mother-in-law has knitted us dishcloths in the past. My sister-in-law once gave me a plum tree.

One Christmas, we played the present game: everyone bought one gift (must be secondhand or consumable) and put it in the middle of the circle. Each person had a turn at either taking a present from the middle of the circle or stealing a present from another person (the gift could go through 3 people before it was LOCKED IN and could no longer be stolen!). This not only made for a HILARIOUS Christmas Day activity, but it meant we ended up with gifts we wanted, or were able to happily re-gift the items no one needed.

One of my favourite years (Christmas 2019) was the time we all brought an activity to Christmas day. The highlight of the day for everyone, was my brother and his partner hosting acro-yoga classes on the lawn!

Other ideas include:

  • DIY, handmade presents only

  • Giving back only (e.g. donating to charities on everyone’s behalf)

  • Food only

  • The promise of quality time (a highly sort after resource at the moment)

Whatever you choose this year, keep in mind the benefits that can come from a sustainable Christmas gifting strategy.  Everyone saves money, your house isn’t trashed with wrapping paper, people can contribute to making Christmas Day food (more time on their hands!), and greater joy is had (spending time with people brings more sustained happiness than stuff).

Note: This list was last updated on October 29th 2021. It will be updated with more ideas leading up to Christmas!






Giving Back