Why I Sleep Upside Down On Thursdays
My husband and I sleep upside down on Thursdays. No, not like bats hanging from the ceiling like you may be envisaging, but simply with our heads at the other end of the bed; where our feet usually are. We’ve done this since 2018 and we plan on doing it for the rest of our lives.
Naturally, the question we’re asked most when people witness or hear about our Thursday night shenanigans (like when I was sharing a room with a friend on a work trip or Tim was in his bunk room at an outdoor camp) is why!?
Changing perspective on life, coming up with new ideas, and making sure I am never in a rut, are just a few of the benefits I take away with me as I get out of bed every Friday morning.
Image by Nectar Photography.
Changing Perspective
When I sleep upside down, I see the bedroom differently. I stare at a painting I hardly ever have time to stare at, I notice cobwebs in corners I’ve never seen before and I even experience a different sensation as I get in and out of bed with my opposite leg. Practicing a change of perspective in this very mundane way means I’m better at changing my perspective in other situations.
If there’s a problem I’m struggling to solve, I step back and look at it with a fresh mindset. In stressful situations, I seek an alternative attitude and quickly stop feeling stressed. During moments of negativity and despair, I search for a contrasting viewpoint and focus on the positives. Of course changing perspective isn’t always the solution, but practicing this change of perspective every week has strengthened my ability to look at things from different angles in all areas of my life. Sleeping upside down on Thursdays is like exercising a muscle that can be used in multiple scenarios.
Gaining new Ideas
I know I’m not the only one who has all their best ideas in the shower. New ideas come to us in the most unexpected moments, and for most, it’s doing mundane tasks rather than brainstorming at our desks. I swear I’m more creative on Fridays. Sleeping upside down unlocks a part of my brain that isn’t often open; that’s when the ideas flood in. New ideas lead to success and ultimately; happiness. When I look at it this way, sleeping upside down on Thursdays is highly underrated.
Keeping out of a rut
Have you ever driven or walked to work in a daze, arrived at the office, and realised you remember nothing about how you got there? Life is easy to glide through without thinking about what you’re doing or why b bn. It’s easy to buy Colgate toothpaste because that’s what you were told to do as a kid and it’s normal to drink coffee in the morning because everyone’s doing it. Quality of life comes from making decisions because you want to and you know why you’re making them. Practicing this strange event of sleeping upside down means I’m constantly reminded that I have the power to change my life and make it what I want it to be. It’s hard to fall into a rut when you’re lying upside down in bed where your feet usually are, laughing with your husband and chatting like you’re at a slumber party.
My family thinks I’m crazy, my friends giggle, and you may think I’m a complete weirdo. Opinions aside, I’m certain sleeping upside down on Thursdays has endless benefits that make my personal and professional life flourish. Changing perspective, gaining new ideas, and escaping ‘life ruts’ are just a few of the bonuses that come from (literally) flipping my life upside down.
While I don’t expect everyone to sleep upside down once a week (though I highly recommend trying it at least once!), I encourage you to find your own weekly weird habit and watch as the benefits roll in. You don’t have to go on a mindfulness retreat every weekend, heck, you don’t even need to write in a reflection journal. Try going for a walk in a place you’ve never been before, brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand, showering in the dark, or eating while sitting on the floor.
The world is your weird oyster.
Image by Nectar Photography.